Krisenjahre sind Einkaufsjahre! Diese alte Einkäuferweisheit bestätigt sich auch aktuell wieder. Während die Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus dem Sourcing-Bereich in vielen Unternehmen zum Teil hilflos di...
Purchaising - our expertise
Our experts play the entire supply chain keyboard and have decades of know-how gained in practice. From contract optimization and negotiations with suppliers, cost-down programs and inventory optimization to audits for the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, our purchasing specialists are at your disposal for all supply chain topics. Our local experts can also help you with sourcing or go-to-market in Asia.
Our consulting services at a glance:
Optimization of purchasing processes
How is your purchasing department set up and are there any obstacles due to poor processes? Our experts will uncover weak points and work with you to optimize your processes.
Global Sourcing Strategies
Does your procurement have a global focus? Then our experts can help you select suppliers and open up new sales markets.
Cost-down programs
Whether inventory or supplier contracts - we help you save costs and set up your purchasing efficiently in the long term.
Stock optimization
Do you know your key stock figures such as turnover, duration and range? We can help you to optimize your stock levels.
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act
German companies with 1,000 or more employees must comply with certain due diligence criteria along their supply chain. We check compliance with these obligations in an audit.
Supplier ratings
Do you know the reliability and quality of your suppliers? Our supplier evaluation audit gives you a precise overview.
MRO optimization
There are many ways to optimize the maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) of your company's infrastructure.
Quick Check
Do you have a digitalization strategy for purchasing? Do you have a reporting system for your stock levels? Take our quick check online in just a few minutes and find out where your company stands in terms of the supply chain:
Make Quick Check (German)
Your purchaising expert
After training as a toolmaker, Achim Rink completed a degree in mechanical engineering. After working in mold making, he spent fifteen years with a global market leader in industrial electrical and electronics technology, including as assistant to the CEO, project manager for new production facilities in China and Brazil and department head in purchasing. He then moved to a Tier 1 in the electronics-automotive business as "Head of Materials Management". Further professional positions included managerial roles in the consumer electronics sector and in plant engineering.
Read our success story (German) to find out how we optimized purchasing expenditure and internal processes from purchasing to production for a Berlin-based technology manufacturer in the power management sector.
Please feel free to contact us:
Contact formWhitepaper "Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz" (German)
The new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) stipulates that companies with more than 3,000 employees, and from 2024 with more than 1,000 employees, must fulfill a large number of obligations. These include
- Creating transparency in supply chains
- Analyzing human rights and environmental risks along the supply chain
- Develop preventative measures
- Training employees
- Forming a team to support the LkSG
- Publish a "Code of Conduct"
- Integrate complaints mechanisms along the supply chain
Experts are already warning that the economy is being overburdened and it is becoming clear that sound preparation can prevent future problems. Important: SMEs will also be affected by this, as companies will have to monitor their suppliers' compliance with the LkSG and the German government and the European Union are already working on further legislation on this topic.
Prepare yourself in the best possible way for the challenge of the "Supply Chain Due Diligence Act" and download our latest white paper on this topic now:
Experts' tip: Stock management (German)
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