Die Wirtschaft durchläuft in regelmäßigen Abständen Auf- und Abschwünge, die von einer Vielzahl an Faktoren beeinflusst werden – sei es durch globale Krisen, Veränderungen in der Politik oder struktur...
Finances - our expertise
Financial stability and planning security are decisive factors for the future capability of a company. Our consultancy in the area of finance covers various key topics. These include

Financial Due Dilligence
We put your company's finances through their paces. This includes budget figures such as balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flows, as well as the structure of the staff, order backlog or customer base. However, financial due diligence differs from an audit such as the annual financial statements and a company valuation, as it generates very specific information that you define.

How can you reduce your costs? advacon Profit Improvement also uncovers potential for short, medium and long-term profit improvement in your company. Together we leave no stone unturned and find the areas where there is room for optimization and cost reduction. Recommendations for action specifically tailored to your individual structures create sustainable added value for you.

Cash Management
Do you know where your cash is tied up? The advacon working capital analysis localizes existing weaknesses and potential for improvement with regard to capital commitment in your company. With measures tailored to your needs, we increase your liquid assets and thus boost your financial flexibility and competitiveness.

Cost-performance Accounting
Cost-performance accounting compares target and actual data and helps you to make better decisions and adapt the production process. It also allows you to determine exactly where costs are arising. Our experts will implement CAC in your company and you will be able to derive the profitability of internal processes from it in future.

A proper reporting system is vital in controlling. It supports management in evaluating the past and planning for the future. Together with your finance department, we set up meaningful reporting for you.

Equity Placement
Do you have a groundbreaking business idea and want to start a new company? Are you looking for loan capital to implement a new business idea or do you want to make an investment in your existing company? With our network, we can help you find the right financing instruments and support you throughout the entire process.
Sie möchten lieber erstmal selbst analysieren? Eine schnelle Einschätzung Ihrer finanziellen Situation ermöglicht unser kostenloser online Quick Check. Sie erhalten im Anschluss eine Kurzanalyse Ihrer finanziellen Situation und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen zum weiteren Vorgehen.
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Your financial Expert
Ulrich Preiß, born in 1956, worked for one of the most important and innovative computer manufacturers in Europe after studying business administration.
At a global market leader in industrial electrical and electronic engineering, he developed from assistant to the CEO to Head of International Controlling. The valuable development of 58 subsidiaries abroad is largely due to the efforts of Ulrich Preiß.
Please feel free to contact us:
Contact formExperts' tip - how to achieve financial stabilization? (German)
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