Marketing & Product Management - our expertise

Do you want to launch your product but don't know what the market and the competition look like? We do not only analyze your market environment, but also tell you how customers will find you and what content you can best use to convince your customers.

Our consulting services at a glance:

Icon Marktanalyse

Market and risk analyses

A well-founded market and risk analysis gives you an overview of the current state of a particular market and enables you to assess how the potential target market is organized, which customer groups exist, which products and services are represented and in what quality, which administrative barriers to market entry may exist and which competitors are represented.


Icon Wettbewerb

Competition analyses

Do you really know your competitors? We provide you with a detailed picture of your market position and show you where there is potential for optimization or where competitors could possibly take over your market.


Icon Customer Journey

Customer Journey

Only if you know how your customers find their way to you can you align your marketing accordingly. We analyze your customer journey and show you how and when you can best meet your customers with the appropriate means.


Icon Content Strategie

Content Strategies

Addressing customers with the right content is more important than ever in digital marketing. The transparency and comparability of the online world makes a suitable content strategy unavoidable. We work with you to develop a suitable strategy for your company.


Icon Markenentwicklung

Brand development and communication

Capturing the values and goals of a brand in words and images is essential for marketing. Only with a clearly defined brand message can a brand core be formed and you as a company can build all further activities on this. We help you to develop your brand.


Icon Portfolioanalyse

Portfolio analyses

With our portfolio analysis, we provide you with an overview of the current situation, strengths, weaknesses and market opportunities of your offering. This enables you to better implement the strategic orientation of your portfolio.


Your Marketing experts

Prof. Dr. Anita Röhm

At the Justus Liebig University of Gießen, Anita Röhm successfully completed her diploma in physics and her doctorate in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.). She also worked there as a scientific assistant. 

At Leica Microsystems, she was Business Director LiveSki (ppa) and took over as Head of Product Management Compound and Microscopy. At the Technical University of Central Hesse she holds the professorship for industrial goods marketing and sales, as well as project management. 

At StudiumPlus she was the managing director of the ZDH, held lectures and supervised the students in their project phases and thesis work. 

Please feel free to contact us:

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Whitepaper "Die Zukunft von Social Media Marketing in Unternehmen" (German)

What are the current trends in social media marketing and how can companies successfully utilize these trends for themselves? In our white paper "The future of social media marketing in companies", you will learn about the key requirements for marketers and specific ways to optimize your social media marketing based on current best practice examples and our own experiences.

Experts' tip: Digital marketing thrives on data (German)

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